
Narratives for change

I ask questions in this post, they are not rhetorical. If you have answers, please contact me on https://climatejustice.social/@PenguinJunk. I’ve been interested for a while in creating visualisat...

Weeknotes 10 - Finished and submitted

You can contact me on https://climatejustice.social/@PenguinJunk. Its been even longer since my last “weeknotes”, and before I launch out on my next exploration, it feels right to draw a line unde...

Weeknotes 9 - Deep in the undergrowth

Weeknotes are my way of reflecting on my readings, research and thoughts from the week. They link and contrast experiences and observations that happen to have occurred in a short period of time. I...

Weeknotes 8 - Hopefully a hump week

Weeknotes are my way of reflecting on my readings, research and thoughts from the week. They link and contrast experiences and observations that happen to have occurred in a short period of time. I...

Why claims that AI will help solve climate change are just hope coda

The Hope Coda For decades, whenever a journalist wrote about climate change they almost always had to add a “hope coda” - the section at the end that started with “But its not all doom and gloom…”...

Weeknotes 7 - A break from literature

These are my first weeknotes for a fortnight as I’ve had a short break. To get my momentum back up, I’ll keep this week’s write-up short, leaving out the reading I’ve been doing until later weeknot...

Weeknotes 6 - Developing my methodology

Contents Finding science that, and scientists who, have impacted policy How to understand how scientists have impacted policy TL;DR I’m starting to hone in on whom and how but need better st...

Weeknotes 5 - The Boundary Between Evidence and Decisions

Contents The Science-Policy Gap Characterising the structure of evidence-decisions Discussion around objectivity v usability Roles in the evidence-decisions interface Climate psychology ...

Weeknotes 4 - from Risk and Suppression to Gaps and Agency

Contents Feedback is very welcome Erratum What are climate scientists saying, and what could they be telling us? Returning to self-censorship TL;DR Gaps and Agency - Gaps in Agency? Fe...

Weeknotes 3 - How to Talk About Science

Contents Policy entrepreneurs in the wild Organisations at the science-policy interface And what about expertise and policy in general? Is self-censorship a thing? What is truth, anyway?...